Environmentally Responsible

In addition to being mindful of what goes into our products, PARTNERS has a long-standing reputation as an environmentally friendly and socially responsible company. The following are a few of the ways we live this out:
- Our 150,000 square foot bakery and warehouse is a LEED Certified Building
- EPA and PSE Green Power Programs - 100% of purchased energy from green power sources
- Motion sensor LED lights throughout the building
- Parking / charging for fuel efficient vehicles
- Paper board cartons made from renewable managed forest products certified by the FSC or SFI
- Boxes are purchased from a manufacturer who also uses 100% green power
- Cardboard, paper-board, office paper, plastic film, BOPP, and plastic trays are recycled
- Participation in the Waste Management battery and light bulb recycling plan
- Office ink cartridges are returned to the manufacturer for recycling
- Food waste is given to a chicken feed manufacturer
- Short code product is donated to a local food bank